शनिवार, 23 जनवरी 2021

CFM विशेष 24 जनवरी 2021


उखमा आल हे बहिन!
(खोरठा कविता)

उखमा आल हे बहिन,
तोञ सुनले हीं,कि नाञ?
लूगा,धोती आर लड्डू साब चढ़ाय रहल हथ,
उखमा तोञ मानबें कि नाञ?
नाञ-नाञ हामें नाञ मानबउ बहिन,

हामें उखमा-तुखमा नाञ जानो ही?
तोहें अखन सुनाय रहल हें,
अकर सेइ तोञ काहे डेराय रहल हें?
ताब तोञ कोन देस के लोक लागें?
जे उखमा-तुखमा नाञ जानो हें?
लुगा,धोती आर लड्डू चढतउ,
कोरोनवा महामरिया के पहचानो हें?
अखन आल हो जे महामरिया,
भगवेक लेल चल नदिया धरिया।
भगाय देबय ओकरा दोसर सहरिया,
ताब घुरबय आपन दुवरिया।
नाञ-नाञ इ लाॅकडाउने भीड़ भेतव,
आर कसूं कोय पुलिस के कइह देतव!
साभे उखमा-तुखमा तर भेतउ,
जखन हमनी के जेल होतउ!
अतना भीड़ में साभे जीबहे?
ताब कोरोनवा के कइसे भगइबहे?
घारें बइसल रहा ने,
सोसल डिस्टेंश के पालन करा ने?
जे कहेक हलउ से कहलियउ बहिन,
फेर हमरा तोञ नाञ कहिहें?
जा हियय हामें चढ़ावे ले लूगा-धोती,
ताब तोञ घारें रहिहें?
कते धिरावो हीं बहिन,
आर के-के जा हथून?
हमनीक रुपइयाा लुटा हउ,
अमीर लोक मोटा हउ!
ताब तोञ नाञ जीबें,
आब हामें चललियउ बहिन।
हामर जीआ डेरा हउ,
घारें एकेग सइया आर पूता हउ!
इ उखमा-तुखमा के करा बिरोध,
कमाय वलेन बहरइतउ रोजे रोग।
नाञ मानबें ताब जइबउ तोहर जोरें,
लोक पतिअउनी हामें भगइबइ रोग।
तोञ हमर बतिया मानलें,
मकिन कतना बिछनू करलें?
जान बचा धिया-पुताक बहिन,
उखमा-तुखमा साब कुछ ले माइन।
हाम उखमा-तुखमा मानबउ नाञ,
बिन हाथ-गोड़ वला के जानबउ नाय,
किटकाहा' बहू नाञ गेल हलइ लूगा चढ़ावे,
ताब कइसे बांचलय ओकर सइया आर पूता?

पुनीत साव




Nowadays people have started to devote most of their time on social networking sites. They have come close to the people who are far in distance. At times the friends which we use to play with in childhood, come across them and again we get connected. After the connection we have our old memories flash by. Relationships are more seen on facebook than in reality. People share their sentiments without any hesitation. They make their feelings reach to everyone. They tell about their past life. People share their pictures on facebook and want the others to compliment them. Some people share their beautiful memories which they want to cherish. The compliments, likes and importance they receive from their friends build up their confidence on themselves. With he help of social networking site people try to establish their image. Their are some irrelevant people also who will not step behind in critisizing anyone inspite of knowing this that their are some people who come here for some support. At times their are so nice friendship on facebook from different country as well which are taken care in future also. Some people join here just for fun and tease other people. Even we see that two person meet on facebook and they fell in love which each other and get married. Even facebook have become the site for online shopping groups. So basically we see that facebook have become a very important part of our life.

Ankit Srivastava (Bestselling Author)




Humility and Humbleness Besides Fearlessness are the Ideals of Netaji

Subhas Chandra Bose was such a towering personality whose name only speaks his presence. Famous for his slogans like 'Jai Hind' , 'Delhi Chalo' , 'Tum Mujhe khoon Do Main Tumhe Ajadi Doonga', his unflinching courageousness made his stand clear against Britishers. India celebrates his 125th birth anniversary as 'Parakram Diwas' to honour it's patriot for his ineradicable, flawless and influential freedom fighter of India. Inspired by the teachings of Swami Vivekanand, his mersmerizing personality was unforgettable and well known for his patriotic gusto especially among the youth. Netaji Subash Chandra Bose fought against Britishers not only in India but gained supporter from the world parts. His literary activities, slogans and founder of Azad Hind Fauj acclaim his place and position in the freedom movement. 

  Forefront and leading figure among the Indian freedom movement, for the nation's sake he left his prestigious job of Indian Civil Service and joined Non-Cooperation movement. In India he was source of courage, enthusiasm, aspiration, inspiration and popular for his anti-British writings, his feelings and rally inspired by political guru Chitranjan Das. For shattering and weaking his unyielding faith in India's struggle he was sent to jail for six months. He worked hard for the Swaraj Party. In 1928 he marched with two thousands people in Kolkata to mark his protest halting the British administration, later on after a decade he was elected as a president of Indian National Congress in Haripur in 1938 and then in 1939 at Tripuri convention. He proclaims the freedom movement and asked the party to achieve freedom. 

  During Non-Cooperation movement all the Congress leaders fought equally against the Britishers, but due to British torture and repression, Subhas realized to work in different way as Gandhi uses to lead the Congress. Due to their differences insinuated between these top leaders Netaji made his own way and resigned from the INC in 1939. Disappointed Netaji break way from the congress to form a Forward Bloc- a new front against the Britishers. He invited Hitler to weaken the British rule in India. His liberation Army aimed at liberating Indian imprisoned in Italy, Germany and others parts of the world. He organised the soldiers captured by the German who fought against Axis powers i.e Japan, Germany and soviet union. Indian National Army was formed in European context taking support from Hitler and Austrian people but unfortunately Hitler doesn't support Netaji's ideals and he moved towards Japan to gain his place and position. In 1941 from Germany's aide, a free India centre was set up in Berlin and soon a free India Radio which was broadcasted nightly was started.

    In 1942 he founded Indian National Army known as Azad Hind Fauj. INA was established in Singapore by Captain Mohan Singh with Japan's support but intially it was very small and inconsequential force later on by the dint and labour of Netaji, he included 60,000 more Indian prisoners of Burma. His enroads to success results in Japanese gave Andaman and Nicobar to Bose which was territory of free India. The government of Andaman and Nicobar has its own currency, courts and civil code. Initially the Army got some victories but later on the forces accepted defeat after the Japanese defeat.

    Clear vision and deep insight have the distinguished features of Netaji which is missing in modern leaders which transforms the future generation. Great leaders like Netaji have courage to achieve their goals and ambitions- towering trait which any leaders have. Integrity for the nation is the important trait of Netaji. All the people of nation agree and belief in the aims, ideals, truthfulness, honesty, chastity and trust of Netaji who laid the foundation stone of India's independence. Humility and humbleness besides fearlessness are the important aspects of Netaji. Netaji had outstanding strategic planning to achieve accuracy and anticipatory effort which demands the scene and scenario of thee then society. Netaji focus on his strength of people, army and organisations.

By Muneer Shamee



She is coming !

My lunch box asked me,
So when is she coming ?
I am feeling bore at your room, man,
Want to accompany you to your office again,

Her pillow adjacent to my pillow,
Asked me with a sweet hello,
So when is she coming ?
I am tired of sleeping empty,
Now missing her a plenty,

One of my dirtiest jeans asked me,
With much anger and frustration,
Hey! Man, will you please wash me ?
It has become too much late,
If not, then when is she coming ?
Tell me an appropriate date,

The broom of my room annoyingly said,
Try to use me at least once in a week dear,
Can't you see so much of dust here and there,
I cannot tolerate your laziness anymore,
Answer me "when is she coming", please don't ignore,

Suddenly my socks covered its nose,
Oh shit ! I am having what a terrific smell,
The World's busiest Man ! you just go to hell,
After her departure...not a single time you have washed me,
Even you have not dare to keep me under the Sun,
Now tell me when is she coming otherwise I will run,

After listening to everyone,
I apologised to them for my carelessness,
I also felt ashamed for my laziness,
And finally consoled them,
Don't worry...soon you will overcome all of your pain,
The queen of the home "Angita" is coming again !

Anant Gyan
Hazaribagh (Jharkhand)




"अभाव छ यसरी"

 (नेपाली गीत)

सूर्योदय भयो सोच्छु अब के को भय...


बीती जाने रात लाई एउटा जून को प्रलय..!! 

सुन यहाँ एउटा मेरे पनि भन्या ।

टन्टलापुर को घाममा जरुरी छ छाँया।। 

छाँया भएका बृक्षहरु को समूह हो जंगल। 

जंगल जंगल दीप जल्यो अति उज्जवल।। 


देख्छु यहाँ त मात्र पशु जनावर यो बाहेक

देखिदैन कही मानवता बुझने मनुष्य......! 

सूर्योदय भयो सोच्छु अब के को भय......


बीती जाने रात लाई एउटा जून को प्रलय !! 

जसरी बीती जाने रातलाई एउटा जून को प्रलय। 

कसरी पार गर्ने अब यस्तो भयानक अरण्य....।। 

सीधा बाटो दर्शन हुदैंन.....

यस्तो त यहाँ बाटो छ नगण्य।। 

नगण्य बाटो हरुलाई सोंधु...

कसरी..? के उ बोल्न सक्लान। 

मद्दत गर्ने त कोही छैन...

बरु पशु जनावर ले निल्लान।। 

केही त गर्नु परयो...

जुक्ति लगाउनु परयो अन्य। 

तर अभाव छ यसरी....

जसरी बीती जाने रातलाई 

एउटा जूनको प्रलय।। 

सूर्योदय भयो सोच्छु अब के को भय...


बीती जाने रात लाई एउटा जूनको प्रलय।।।।। 

मनोज शाह 'मानस
नई दिल्ली




Hats of to the Corona fighters

They are putting their

Life in danger,

For an unknown stranger.

They are working more than 

Nine to five,

Just for the sake of our life.

They can't talk to their family

Even for a while,

Even then they are working with a smile.

Everyone should pay them

From officer to clerk,

For their selfless work.

So from all the dancers,

Teachers, poets and writers,

Hats of to the Corona fighters.

Dipti Singh 
Chhapra , bihar 





Flood, Draught and Roti

Their relationship is amazing

Which has scattered 

(Everything) straw by straw

The faith of being alive

The hope of living together

Pushed/ Into the running railway bogies

Where there is neither place to sit

Nor is it easy to breathe

Drowsy/Awake/ for two nights

He lies with wide open eyes

Where there is no one

A broken dream

Is the only support

That too like a sand castle

In poverty's balance

On one side is hunger

And in other disappointment

In between there are two eyes of kids' crying eyes

Lips hungry for milk

Old parents

A wife

That too a victim

Sick/ difficult to be alive

Then what solution is there for a suffocating person

Except to Migrate?

Translater Anupama Sarkar, Delhi

Poem - Santosh patel



छेरछेरा परब (छत्तिसगढ़ी)

"आपस म भाईचारा के संदेस देवइया तिहार -छेरछेरा"

"दान पुन के सबले बड़े लोक परब छेरछेरा"

"झोला अउ बोरी धरके सबमन आवव।

छेरछेरा तिहार म धान चाउर झोकावव।।"

             हिन्दू धरम के मान्यता के अनुसार हमर छत्तीसगढ़ म बच्छर भर के बारो महिना मा पुन्नी के संग कोनो ना कोनो तीज-तिहार अउ परब हा जुड़े हावय। 

पूरा बिस्व म भुइंया के भगवान के पूजा अगर होथे त वो देस हाबय भारत। जिहां भुइंया ल महतारी अऊ किसान ल ओखर लईका कहे जाथे। ये बिस्व म अन्न के पूरती करईया अन्नदाता किसान हे। हमर छत्तीसगढ़ ल धान के कटोरा कहे जाथे। हमर सभ्यता, संसकिरीति म तिहार के बड़ महत्तम हाबय। हमर सभ्यता अऊ संसकिरीति म ये तिहार मन रचे बसे हावय। ये तिहार म दान के परब छेरछेरा घलो हावय। जिनगी मा दान दक्छिना के अड़बड़ महत्तम हावय, असल सुख-सान्ती दान पुन मा समाय हावय। हमर देस अउ धरम मा दान अउ तियाग के सुग्घर परमपरा चले आवत हे, भले वो परमपरा मन के नाँव आनी बानी रहय फेर असल भाव एकेच होथे- दान अउ पुन। अइसने एकठन दान पुन करे के सबले बङ़े लोक परब के नाँव हे छेरछेरा परब। छेरछेरा पुन्नी के उछाह उमंग,आनन्द,उत्सव,उल्लास के भाव मनखे के जिंनगी म नवरस के उछाह भर देथे।

           हमर धान के कटोरा छत्तीसगढ़ में बने सुघ्घर सुघ्घर तिहार मनाए जाथे, पुस अंजोरी पुन्नी के दिन दान-पुन के सरेस्ठ परब छेरछेरा के नाँव जुङे हावय। जेमा एक ठन पारम्परिक किसान मन के पर्व हावे छेरछेरा । ए परब ला असनांद अउ दान के नाँव ले घलाव जाने जाथे। छेरछेरा के दिन असनांद के अपन देवता-धामी के पूजा-पाठ करके दान-पुन करे के सुग्घर परंपरा हावय। ये तिहार ला हमर प्रदेस में भारी हर्षोउलास म सराबोर हो के लईका,सियान जम्मो झन हा मनाथे, अउ किसान मन ह अपन साल भर के मेहनत ले उगाए अन्न के दान ला ये तिहार मा करथे। "छेरछेरा कोठी के धान ला हेर-हेरा", हमर छत्तीसगढ़ में इहीच आवाज हा बड़े बिहनियां ले सुनाथे।

              हमर खेती संस्कृति म तीज-तिहार मन के अलगे महत्व हावय। हमर परब मन जीवन में सीखे के संदेश देवत रहिथे। जतका हमर परब अऊ तिहार हे ओमन जिनगी म सिरजन, सिखावन, संस्कार, सेवा- सत्कार, समर्पन, सम्मान अऊ विनम्र बने के भाव परोसत रहिथे। इही भाव ल समोय बर मन ल फरियर होना जरूरी हे। फरियर तन-मन म दान-पुन के भाव घलो भरे रहिथे। दान-पुन के अइसन महापरब ‘‘छेरछेरा‘‘ हे जेमा सब अन्न दान करके अपन जीवन ल धन्य मानथे।‘‘छेरछेरा‘‘ तिहार दान-पुन के सब ले बड़े परब आय। हमर प्रदेस जेला धान के कटोरा के नाव ले जाने जाथे, जिहा लोक पारम्परिक तिहार में एक सुघ्घर अन्न दान के महापर्व हावे छेरछेरा। जेला पूस पुन्नी में धूमधाम से मनाथे, ये पर्व के एक झलक पूरा छत्तीसगढ़ म देखे ला मिलथे जिहा हाथ माँ झोला ला धर के घरो घर दउड के जावत नानकुन लईका मन ला आप मन देख सक्थो कि कतना खुश हावे छेरछेरा तिहार मा। ये तिहार म सियान मन भी कोनो कम नई हे, लइका मन झोला धरे हे त सियान मन हा बड़े- बड़े बोरा ला धर के किसान के मुहाटी में जा के चिल्लात हे। छेर- छेरा माई कोठी के धान ला हेर -हेरा। छेरछेरा तिहार के उत्साह बड़े बिहनियां-बिहनियां देखे ला मिलथे। जेला देख के मन हा गदगद हो जाथे। काबर की जिहा एक डहार नान नान लइका के हाथ मा मोबाइल हे जेमा विडिओ गेम हे जेला खेले के आज के लइका मन सब्बो हमर छत्तीसगढ़ के लोक कला संस्कृति परम्परा ला भुला गे हे, त उहीं दूसर डाहर आज भी छेरछेरा तिहार मा लइका मन ही बता दिस की हमर तिहार कतेक सुघ्घर हे जेला बड़े खुशी के साथ सब जुरमिलके मनाथे। छेरछेरा परब हम सबझन ल जुरमिल के रहे बर सिखाथे। मिल-बांट के खाये बर कहिथें। ये दिन का गरीब का अमीर। कहे के मतलब ये हाबय के ये तिहार ह हमन ल आपस म भाईचारा बनाये के संदेस देथे। ये दिन अमीर अऊ गरीब के भेदभाव मिट जाथे। 

गोपाल कृष्ण पटेल
दीनदयाल कॉलोनी
जांजगीर छत्तीसगढ़





যারা আপনাকে সহায়তা 

করেছেন তাদের ধন্যবাদ

    এটি যারা আপনাকে সহায়তা 

করে না তাদের সাথে আপনার

 বন্ধুত্ব বাড়ায়

    তোমাকে সবসময় ভালবাসি

   এটি আপনার ভালবাসা

 বৃদ্ধি করবে

   আপনাকে শুভেচ্ছা জানানো 

অন্যদের শুভেচ্ছা

   এটি আপনার জীবনকে 

সমৃদ্ধ করবে

   পরের থেকে

    ভাল জিনিস শিখুন এবং 

এটি আপনাকে সুন্দর করে তুলবে ....


  প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা

    এটি সুন্দর করুন

   আপনার শক্তি এখানে


   + ওত্তেরি সেলভা কুমার




  Those are the questions

   No one can ask

  The questions are not like that ...

  Because ...

  The questions are multiple


   Is asked

  Do not know...

  However ....

  Here are the answers

  Not ready

  Because ....

  Answers here

  Questions have become .....


  Only as questions

  There is ...

  Without no answer....

  That's is a magic for lifetime

  Without warranty.....


  + Otteri Selva Kumar



میرے پیارے

   میرے پیارے پیسے

   آپ کیسے ہو؟

   میں ٹھیک نہیں ہوں

   اب آپ کے ساتھ

   مجھے کچھ دیر محسوس ہوتا ہے


   مجھے کچھ دیر محسوس ہوتا ہے


   مجھے کچھ دیر محسوس ہوتا ہے

   اداس اور پریشانی اور برا

   آپ کے ساتھ ..

   کمائیں اور سیکھیں

   لیکن ...

   اسی وقت

   بس میں آپ کے لئے پوچھ رہا ہوں

   تم میرے دوست ہو؟

   دشمن ہیں

   میں نہیں جانتا

   آپ کو کیسا لگتا ہے

   میرے پیارے پیسے

   مجھے بتاو...



 # اوٹیری سیلوا کمار



Whatsapp and privacy violations

(Under the new policy, the way Facebook uses services hosted by WhatsApp to manage chat as well as store businesses will change. Concerns stem from the fact that until now entities such as Facebook, etc. Has maintained the stance that they do not share user data with anyone.)
WhatsApp, one of the most popular messaging apps, has updated its privacy policy and has given users until 8 February to accept the new terms and conditions. The new policy is under discussion on how user data affects its integration with another social media major, Facebook, which is also the parent company of WhatsApp. Clarifying the issue, WhatsApp said that the privacy policy does not change the behavior of WhatsApp's chat. In a statement, WhatsApp said: "The update does not change WhatsApp's data-sharing practices with Facebook and does not affect how people communicate with friends or family in private WhatsApp to protect people's privacy Deeply committed. " But, there are many apprehensions on the privacy approach and how does it affect our data is the biggest question? The new privacy policy, which came into effect from 8 February, allows WhatsApp and Facebook to share user information with businesses and third-party service providers who transact on these platforms. Privacy experts and anti-trust bodies have also raised concerns over this new privacy policy of WhatsApp. Experts said the government would need to deal with issues related to this very carefully, as the US and EU agencies have so far been crucial to the draft data protection bill clause, which keeps personal data in servers located in the country. Concerns stem from the fact that until now entities such as Facebook, etc. have maintained the stance that they do not share user data with anyone. The basic definition of middlemen is that they do not have content and they are simply forums where third-party entities hold content. This special situation prevents them from liability if anything on their platforms appears illegal. In such instances, the government directs the arbitrator to remove the illegal material within the stipulated time, but it is very late or not at all.
   Under the new terms and conditions, WhatsApp will share transaction data, mobile device information, IP addresses, and other data on how users share on WhatsApp with businesses and with Facebook group companies, including Instagram. But this is not the real problem. Each Internet company uses consumer data to improve its product. This is their way in the case of WhatsApp. According to the company's dictate, if users fail to accept the new privacy policy by February 8, 2021, they will lose their WhatsApp account. Experts see this as an abuse of WhatsApp and Facebook's dominant position in the market. Many of them took to social media platforms to register their concern about the update. A community platform for women - a privacy nightmare, ”wrote CheroS founder and CEO Sawyer Chahal, adding that the new policy primarily targets business interactions, transactions, and other business-related features called That WhatsApp and Facebook are allowed to better support third-party service providers and provide advanced features like analytics among others. Among the major updates being brought a change in the way the platform processes user data. Under the new policy, the way Facebook will use services hosted by WhatsApp to store chats, as well as businesses, will change. There will also be a change in the way WhatsApp partners with its owner Facebook to allow integration on Facebook's products and platforms. Indian citizens are now required to protect their digital rights, India has no data protection laws. Although agreed upon by users, it is still debated as to how legitimate it is. Unfortunately, the government hopes to consider different views about the breach of privacy in the case of WhatsApp and Aadhaar. It further strengthens a citizen's right to remain private and chooses not to share his personal information or data with the state with any private parties.
This will also happen to other Internet companies such as Google, which are known to use user data for targeted advertisements. . Could enforcing privacy as a fundamental right means a blockade for companies collecting user data on Google and Facebook and other platforms?

Priyanka Saurabh

Research Scholar in Political Science

Poetess, Independent journalist and columnist,

AryaNagar, Hisar (Haryana)


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